- Ubuntu 16 uninstall python 3 install python 2.7 how to#
- Ubuntu 16 uninstall python 3 install python 2.7 code#
Follow along with the instructions and perform the steps - by the end of this article you’ll have OpenCV installed on your system.
Note: Don’t care about Python bindings and simply want OpenCV installed on your system (likely for C++ coding)? No worries, this tutorial will still work for you.
Ubuntu 16 uninstall python 3 install python 2.7 how to#
To learn how to install OpenCV on your Ubuntu 16.04 system, keep reading. Inside this tutorial, I will document, demonstrate, and provide detailed steps to install OpenCV 3 on Ubuntu 16.04 with either Python 2.7 or Python 3.5 bindings.įurthermore, this document has been fully updated from my previous Ubuntu 14.04 tutorials to use the latest, updated packages from the apt-get repository. However, with support of Ubuntu 14.04 winding down and Ubuntu 16.04 set as the next LTS (with support until April 2021), I thought it would be appropriate to create a new, updated Ubuntu + OpenCV install tutorial. Install OpenCV 3.0 and Python 3.4+ on Ubuntu 14.04.Install OpenCV 3.0 and Python 2.7+ on Ubuntu 14.04.Over the past two years running the PyImageSearch blog, I’ve authored two tutorials detailing the required steps to install OpenCV (with Python bindings) on Ubuntu.
Ubuntu 16 uninstall python 3 install python 2.7 code#
Numpy 1.14.Click here to download the source code to this post I do have several packages that are from conda-forge :-(Ĭaffe2-cuda9.0-cudnn7 0.8.dev p圓6h97851c3_0 caffe2 What do I do to get of gcc -version is indeed 5.4.0: Site-packages now contain a directory called caffe2Īnd workspace.py exists now in ~/anaconda3/envs/caffe36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/caffe2/pythonįrom caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2 is also successful Error: /home/sam/anaconda3/envs/caffe36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/caffe2/python/././././libcaffe2.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6google15SetUsageMessageERKNSt7_cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE WARNING:root:Debug message: libnccl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryĬRITICAL:root:Cannot load caffe2.python. WARNING:root:This caffe2 python run does not have GPU support. Opening python cli and following some basic commands from the tutorial notebook as:įrom caffe2.python import core, workspace Result of python -c 'from caffe2 import workspace' 2>/dev/null & echo "Success" || echo "Failure" Result of python -c 'from caffe2.python import workspace' 2>/dev/null & echo "Success" || echo "Failure" Result of python -c 'from caffe2 import core' 2>/dev/null & echo "Success" || echo "Failure" Result of python -c 'from caffe2.python import core' 2>/dev/null & echo "Success" || echo "Failure" It downgraded opencv from version 3.4.1 to 3.3.1 though home/sam/anaconda3/envs/caffe36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/caffe2-0.8.2-p圓.6-linux-x86_64.eggĬonda install -c caffe2 caffe2-cuda9.0-cudnn7 successfull Error: /home/sam/anaconda3/envs/caffe36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/caffe2-0.8.2-p圓.6-linux-x86_64.egg/caffe2/python/caffe2_pybind11_state.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6google15SetUsageMessageERKNSt7_cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
What do I need to do so that caffe2.python gets loaded (module '2_pybind11_state' is found) Error: No module named '2_pybind11_state' Now python -c 'from caffe2.python import core' 2>/dev/null & echo "Success" || echo "Failure"ĬRITICAL:root:Cannot load caffe2.python.